
It's time to start living,

I mean REALLY living!

Learn to live a life of financial freedom!

Now is the time to start the journey!




It's time to start living,

I mean REALLY living!

Learn to live a life of financial freedom!

Now is the time to start the journey!


Photo by IPGGutenbergUKLtd/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by mihtiander/iStock / Getty Images

We all have dreams of buying this, helping out there, and doing all kinds of fun things with our money!

If you are living pay cheque to pay cheque or are tired of the financial situation that you’re in...


just stop for a minute and read this.



Life can be such a fun journey when you are prepared!

Hi, my name is Candice Bakx-Friesen and I’m excited to invite you to my 4 week course that will teach you valuable concepts about how to get ahead financially. From the comfort of your home I want to help make your dreams become reality!

As the owner and founder of Investor Smarts, I embrace the opportunity to help you overcome challenges that hold you back from ‘reaching for the stars’. I have had the opportunity to help in all kinds of situations, from basic budgeting to helping a single mother save enough to buy her very own home, my expertise will help get you through any situation you are facing right now. I want to see you succeed and that’s why you need to sign up for this 4 week course.


I will help you get prepared by teaching you some simple, basic concepts that can get you on the fast track to



Ask Yourself

Before we get started ask yourself a few questions:

Do you think about money as a positive or negative thing in your life?

Do you depend on your next paycheque or could you do without one and manage for the next two weeks until the next one?

Do you have a budget?

Do you review your budget regularly?

Do you think about the future?

Do you know what you want your retirement to look like?

Ask Yourself

Before we get started ask yourself a few questions:

Do you think about money as a positive or negative thing in your life?

Do you depend on your next paycheque or could you do without one and manage for the next two weeks until the next one?

Do you have a budget?

Do you review your budget regularly?

Do you think about the future?

Do you know what you want your retirement to look like?


I hope you can answer all these questions positively and with confidence!

I wish everyone in the world could have the feeling of being financially free!

Put an end to feeling stuck two days after pay day.

Let me help you get on track to a life of living financially free!


I hope you can answer all these questions positively and with confidence!

I wish everyone in the world could have the feeling of being financially free!

Put an end to feeling stuck two days after pay day.

Let me help you get on track to a life of living financially free!


I won’t promise every step will be easy for you but I can ensure that with a little (or maybe a lot) of work,

there is a better life waiting for you.



I won’t promise every step will be easy for you but I can ensure that with a little (or maybe a lot) of work,

there is a better life waiting for you.



Maybe your parents didn’t teach you about money,

perhaps yourstudent loans are piled high, I don’t know your situation right now but I want to get to know you and help you out of the rut you’re stuck in.


Maybe your parents didn’t teach you about money,

perhaps yourstudent loans are piled high, I don’t know your situation right now but I want to get to know you and help you out of the rut you’re stuck in.


Photo by nd3000/iStock / Getty Images


It’s easy to get down on yourself when you’re struggling financially, I want to turn that frown upside down and get you smiling again.  Let’s work at changing your mindset so you can feel on top of the world and be ready to conquer whatever comes your way.  I will be your friend and walk alongside you, be your accountability partner, if you need, to help you find a better way in this great big world.

Photo by monkeybusinessimages/iStock / Getty Images


Next we’ll work on budgeting.  Everyone seems to dread a budget… I don’t, I think it’s fun!  I like to control my money instead of letting it control me.  With a budget, I’m allowed to do just that!  We will work on a budget together, one on one, ask me any question!

Photo by gpointstudio/iStock / Getty Images


Finally, I’ll talk about retirement.  Don’t tell me you’ve never thought about retirement.  Do you really want to work when you’re 70 years old because you have to?  Do you want to be eating mac and cheese in the dark because you didn’t want to think about growing old and therefore didn’t plan for it either?  Probably not!  That sounds stressful and I wouldn’t wish that for anyone!!

Go home with the tools everyone needs to know to get to that life you’ve dreamed about!

Sign Up Here

Financially Fit: Taking Care Of Your Finances Once & For All!

Sign Up Here

Financially Fit: Taking Care Of Your Finances Once & For All!

What are you waiting for?  

I know… there is always fear when it comes to change

but this course could CHANGE YOUR LIFE!




I didn’t get to where I am today by sitting on the couch and dreaming about it.  It is work!  It’s fun work, (yes those two words can be in the same sentence) and with a little effort on your part, you’ll be saying the same two words in one sentence in no time.

What can possibly hold you back from trying to make a better life for yourself?  If your friends or family are telling you it’s not worth it, bring them along.  It is worth it!  A better life, the feeling of financial freedom is always worth your time.

For only $99 plus GST I will spend 4 weeks with you and get you on the

fast track to FINANCIAL FREEDOM!

You will leave this course with confidence, knowing that you have the tools and knowledge that it takes to become financially free!  You will be grinning ear to ear, guaranteed.  You are going to learn so much that you’ll wish you had told all your friends to sign up.

Jump on board!

Photo by Ridofranz/iStock / Getty Images

Don’t miss your chance!  

I’M excited to get to know YOU and help you succeed.  


nOW is the BEST time TO get TRAINING LIKE THIS with ME to learn the fundamentals of living financially free.

Last call….